Honest Town gives me hope

Lakeside OHThis is a remarkable story about “The Most Honest Town in America” is truly heartwarming.  Lakeside, Ohio is apparently the place to be. 

This place is so trusting that no one even locks their bikes up.  I can’t even think of anywhere I’ve been in North America that’s like that. 

Even better, sometimes the shop owners just trust you.

At Marylyn’s place they even trust the proverbial kid in a candy store. The owner, Marylyn Burns, has a note that says, "We trust you. You are an honest and wonderful child of God. Wait on yourself and make your own change."
"We’ve had kids come in from the inner city and say, ‘What do you mean you trust us?’" Burns said.
I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic myself on this one. So I set up a hidden camera to see if I could catch someone red-licorice handed.
Dozens of kids came and went. But they all paid – right down to the penny.

I wish it could be like that everywhere.

[Source: CBS News]

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